
Search Engine Marketing

Search Engine Marketing (SEM) is a type of digital marketing that aims to get your business or consumer to the top of the first page, if not the first spot, of search engine results. The objective is to increase the amount of traffic to your website, which can then be converted.


KEYWORDS: These are the terms that users type into search engines to cause an ad or search result to appear. It doesn't even have to be one word. In fact, terms like "buy Nike sneakers" and "what is the best accounting software" are rather common.

CONCORDANCE: When creating a Google Ads campaign, you'll need to specify the degree of similarity between the keywords you've chosen and the terms individuals use when typing a query into a search engine. Concordance is the term for this. If you choose a broad match, for example, the ad will appear when a person searches for synonyms or terms that are similar to the keyword. If the precise match is selected, the ad will only appear when a person enters a certain keyword into the search engine.

TEXT AD: This is the most common sort of ad found in search engines, while there are now other possibilities such as shopping advertisements. A title, a visible URL that can be changed, and a short description are commonly included in-text ads.

AD GROUP: An ad group in Google Ads is a collection of ads with the same keywords. You can see which ones are the most effective this way.

CAMPAIGN: The campaign in Google Ads is essentially an "umbrella" under which various ad groups with similar goals are organized. If you offer school supplies online, for example, one campaign could feature textbook ad groups, another backpack ad group, and a third drawing materials ad group.

LANDING PAGE: After clicking on an advertisement, the user is led to this page. To achieve efficient search engine marketing results, this page must be optimized for conversions and encourage users to do specified activities (like completing a form to download an eBook). The keywords, the displayed ad, and the landing page should all be aligned to ensure a favorable visitor experience.

SEARCH NETWORK: These are the locations where your advertisements will display. Although they can be featured on other websites such as YouTube, the most common location is at the top and right of the results page.

IMPRESSIONS:  This is the number of times an advertisement was shown.

CLICKS: The click-through rate is the number of times an advertisement has been clicked as a percentage of total impressions.

CTR: is the click-through rate as a proportion of total impressions.

CPC: is the average cost of a click.

QUALITY SCORE: This is the rating that Google gives to advertisements and keywords, and it affects your CPC. The relevancy of the ad, the percentage of clicks obtained, and the experience of the landing page is used to compute this score. This strategy aims for higher-quality ads to appear higher in search results and cost less per click.